Would you like to attract your ideal client in 21 days simply by changing your thinking?

The way the Law of Attraction works is that your thoughts become your feelings, your feelings determine your vibration, and your vibration determines what you attract. So…if you’re spending too much time worried, uncertain, angry and stressed, you’ll attract people and situations that play on your worries, uncertainty, anger and stress.

If, on the other hand, you’re going to consistently focus on thoughts that make you feel better, you’ll attract better experiences, such as better wealth, health, and happiness. It’s the law!

Over the next 21 days, I'll help you raise your vibration so you have no choice but to attract your ideal client into your life! 

The Law of Attraction has surprised me in many areas of my life. I’ve been testing that same process with my finances and it’s been going pretty well. I’m not a multi-millionaire (…yet) but I’m excited to know that the only obstacle between my current financial situation and being a multi-millionaire is my thoughts!

With the 21-Day Client Attraction Experiment, I’d like to get my vibration ready for attracting the ideal clients for my new business.

Would you like to challenge your thinking and improve your health, wealth, or happiness for the coming year?

My favourite way to explain the Law of Attraction is through the example of the tuning fork first used by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the New York Times best-seller, The Hidden Messages of Water.

Emoto works with three tuning forks. Forks 1 and 2 are designed to vibrate 440 times per second, while Fork 3 vibrates 442 times per second. When he hits Fork 1 with a rubber hammer, Fork 2 immediately vibrates and gives off a sound because it resonates with Fork 1. However, Fork 3 remains silent. This shows that energies vibrating at the same frequencies somehow find each other.

How do you vibrate at high frequencies? By always choosing better-feeling thoughts.

Over the next 21 days, I’ll be challenging you to always choose better-feeling thoughts from one moment to the next. It works!

To kick off, you’ll learn how to use the limitations of having no clients—or clients that give you more stress than it's worth—to your advantage. By tapping into the negative feelings of not having the life you want, you create a brand new story that becomes the vision for your new abundant, happy life.

That part is easy. The real challenge lies in telling yourself your new story every day for 21 days!

Why 21 days?” I hear you say. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. By repeating your new positive story for 21 days, it not only becomes a habit, but you’re also replacing whatever negative beliefs you hold about health, money and relationships with new positive beliefs. To keep you on track:

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