Something to think about as we round off the year, did 2020 yield any of these frustrations and how did you go about overcoming them?


A. I don't know enough about marketing and I have limited time to do it myself anyway. Fortunately, I have money to pay someone to help me get it done effectively. 
Frustration: From all there is to do around marketing, how do I know who the right person is to help me get it done effectively?


B. I don't know enough about marketing. Fortunately, I have enough time to learn what I need to learn, take on the marketing tasks that I enjoy doing, and then pay someone to help me get the rest done effectively. 
Frustration: From all there is to know about marketing, how do I know what I need to learn and who the right person is to help me get it done effectively?


C. I don't know enough about marketing and I don't have enough money to take all the premium marketing courses. Fortunately, I have sufficient time to invest in learning what I need to learn. 
Frustration: From all there is to know about marketing, how do I know what I need to learn to see results the quickest?


D. I don't know enough about marketing, I have limited time to learn everything I need to learn, and limited money to pay someone to help me get it done effectively. 
Frustration: From all there is to know about marketing and everything that needs to be done, how do I maximise my limited resources?

E. I know how to market my business, but not enough time to implement everything myself. Fortunately, I have enough money to pay someone to help me get it done effectively.

Frustration: From all there is to do around marketing, how do I know who the right person is to help me get it done effectively?


F. I know how to market my business. I also have enough time to learn more, take on the marketing tasks that I enjoy doing, and then pay someone to help me get the rest done properly.

Frustration: From all there is to know about marketing, how do I know what I need to learn and who the right person is to help me implement my marketing effectively?


G. I know how to market my business. While I may not have enough money to pay someone to help me get it done effectively, I have enough time to keep on top of marketing trends and advance my skills.

Frustration: How do I know what I need to learn to continuously market my business effectively?


H. I know how to market my business. Unfortunately, I have limited time to keep up with marketing trends and limited money to pay someone to help me get it done properly.

Frustration: How do I identify the right courses to take, people to follow, and webinars to attend given my limited time and money?


I look forward to your feedback!

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