Moira's Circles 26 circles

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Genius Test Takers Circle
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. Take the free Genius Test and discover your genius here -
Wealth Dynamics
Learn which of the eight paths is your natural path to entrepreneurial success.
GeniusU Investor Campus
Congratulations and welcome to the GeniusU Investor Campus Circle.
Digital Enterprise - Wealth Dynamic Masters Virtual Retreat - Europe
Prepare your business for 2021 and the start of the digital decade with a plan to at least double your growth 2020 has been a challenging year for Entrepreneurs. Most of us have had to do business radically differently and we can see that this “new” way of doing business is...
Crisis Leadership Academy - Digital Enterprise
The world is going through an acceleration. The Entrepreneur Movement and Education Revolution has fast forwarded 10 years. Now is our time.
Creator Compass
As an entrepreneur, you love your business...It is your passion and the highest value you have to offer. But... when more days are frustrating, unproductive and just too hard, than days that are fun and satisfying, something needs to change. In this community we...
Trusted Buyers Club PRIVATE Circle
This is a closed circle for active players of the COWIN Trusted buyers club. In this circle you can learn how to play the game most effectively at the same time as sharing your best strategies with others for success.
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
Wealth Dynamics Masters Private Community
This private circle is for all our awesome Entrepreneurs who are attending or have attended the Wealth Dynamics Masters program.
Blaze Genius
Blaze Genius are People Smart. They love people, but get distracted quickly. Icons from Marilyn Monroe to Oprah and Bill Clinton share this genius. This circle is for Blaze Geniuses to connect and communicate.