Your Purpose

Your Progress:


Welcome to Your Purpose Microdegree

Finally discover your true ‘why’ with the Purpose Test, and learn the key steps to align your daily life to your deepest meaning and motivation. Align with others who have the same purpose as you and give back through our partners, Buy1Give1.

About Your Purpose Microdegree

Once you know your purpose, your life does change forever. Your purpose defines everything you do - from getting out of bed every morning to whom you choose to work and spend your life with. By giving back to others through creating value, you not only grow and move further towards your own purpose, but you also inspire others to discover their own big “Why?”. By working through this microdegree, you will not only know your purpose, but you will also have clear steps to follow and to measure your purpose.


Microdegree Outcomes

  • You will learn which of the 17 UN Global Goals is your No.1 purpose
  • You will connect with others who share the same purpose as you
  • You will find simple ways to contribute immediately with B1G1
students enrolled

Your Microdegree Mentor

Roger James Hamilton is a futurist, social entrepreneur and bestselling author of the book The Millionaire Master Plan. He is also the creator of the Genius Test, Wealth Dynamics & Talent Dynamics profiling systems, used by over 800,000 people around the world.

Roger is the founder of Entrepreneurs Institute, delivering training to leaders and entrepreneurs around the world by igniting their Genius through a global community of online education, entrepreneur retreats and events.

Popular Reviews

Jeff Walters


Jeff Walters

South Africa

Helps You Really Connect To A Meaningful Purpose

I love the range of thinking and perspectives that Roger brings in the various MicroDegrees. The explanation on the various ways of giving value, and achieving flow, and the lag effect - definitely worth taking into consideration as to how and where you spend you time ...

Marian Hlaváček


Marian Hlaváček


Czech Republic

Great again :)

I have recognized that this purpose: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Goal #16 of UN) is exactly what I wish to achieve. Thanks to this microdegree and given thoughs I can do something with that. Thank you for showing me the way.

Kat Nesbit


Kat Nesbit

Owner/Chef Trainer/Coach

United States

New Strategies

I appreciate the way this program has helped me to consider how, as a small business owner, I can give and share and teach while not suffering the processes usually associated with such activities.

Jaroslava Sobotková


Jaroslava Sobotková

Czech Republic

MMP Purpose

It opened a whole new world to me. The idea of sharing and partnering and the absence of competing is very refreshing.

Tomasz Nowinski


Tomasz Nowinski

I improve SME's efficiency

Wroclaw, Poland

Changes the way you think about the world and possibilities

Suddenly it appears that even small actions can build big effects. "The power of the small" - I've been enthralled by this concept since I met Paul and B1G1 in 2014.

Michael Wesley


Michael Wesley



Not expecting much since I was not too familiar to GeniusU before, I was most pleasantly surprised about the content and the presentation of the content. I am really impressed by the content, the way it is presented, but mostly with the heart and dedication of all the work and engagement behind what is presented. This microdegree course has really made me become aware of different things I didn't know before and made me very much interested what else I can find at GeniusU.

航佑 苔山


be clear about your purpose first

It is important to be clear about your purpose first, and that everyone's purpose is as different as their passions.

Mogotsi Peter Masanabo



Working together as one, for peace and making the world a better place

Hannes Jordaan


Hannes Jordaan

South Africa

I'm most appreciative of these microdegrees.

The knowledge and practicality of these microdegrees enables you to move forward when you apply what you've learned.

Queenta Tafon

Queenta Tafon

Founder of Optionscare UK



This program was full of insight and knowledge on your purpose which is an important aspect of your why but yet neglected by many. Going through the degree my mindset shifted and I realized a sense of clarity and confidence.