Top Purpose
Economic growth & decent work for all
Top 5 Passions
Sunil's Genius
Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.
Sunil's Profile
Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.
Top 10 values
- Growth
- Adventure
- Creativity
- Inspiration
- Wonder
- Beauty
- Fun
- Love
- Authenticity
- Connection
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Creative Use of the Mind: Give it a break!
The Mind is a powerful tool for creation, but are you using your mind in a creative way that serves you?
Many light-bulb moments have culminated in us being able to see into the night, deep into space and our minds.
But how...
How can you be yourself? And just who is that?
Quite a lot of my writing is an attempt to answer my own questions! I have a lot of them. Questions seem to come to me naturally, perhaps that’s why I’m a...
Living in Flow — Secrets (concepts & strategies) to an exhilarating Soulful Life!
Living in flow is probably not how most people would describe their life! We can experience life as a struggle, as if we’re pushing against the tide. I have to admit, my life has been like that...
What would it be like to live aligned to the Divine Mind?
Let me define God first, because I know some of you will stop reading at the mere mention of the word! But it is a just a word after all. So, let’s not...
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Manifestation Mind Map - How do we manifest our reality?
What is manifestation and how do we manifest our reality? Manifestation sounds like an esoteric, woo-woo term… but it literally means to materialise or bring into being.
The word might give you the impression of...
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