
Teen Dynamics

221 Members
Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Nov 8, 2023 at 21:20 in Australia

What an interesting topic? I like the reference to overlearning being closely associated with the concept of 'Flow' - a state of being completely immersed and focused in a particular activity. Dr Phil identifies the characteristics of this state of learning: 🔥 Challenge-Skill Balance 🔥 Clear goals and immediate feedback 🔥 Concentration and focus 🔥 Loss of self-consciousness and time distortion Learner profiling and using AI to help create an individualised learning pathway can be powerful tools for designing and delivering an engaging learning experience.

A New Era of Overlearning?

How AI *could* enable anyone to master anything.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Nov 6, 2023 at 23:23 in Australia

By aligning purpose-based learning with the stages of child development, educators can ignite a lifelong passion for learning and empower students to find their purpose in life. This tailored approach ensures that education is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour but a personalised journey that nurtures the individual strengths and interests of each child.

Nurturing Purpose-Based Learning: Tailoring Education to Every Stage of Development

As educators, we have a profound responsibility to prepare our students for success in life. One transformative approach to achieving this goal is purpose-based learning. This method aligns education with the unique developmental stages of children from infancy to early adulthood. In this blog post, we will
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  • quordle game

    quordle game

    Apr 15, 2024 at 01:48 in United States

    I found this topic very useful. After reading it, I tried it and found it really effective. Thanks

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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Oct 31, 2023 at 22:41 in Australia

What does seem clear is that AI is here to stay, and today’s students will enter a world where they’ll be expected to engage with it. So students must understand the capabilities—and limitations—of AI tools, even as those capabilities rapidly evolve. With teachers’ help, students can learn not to rely on AI, but rather to use it in a responsible way that supports their learning process, and teachers can request transparency and accountability whenever students use these tools on their own.

9 Tips for Using AI for Learning (and Fun!)

These innovative, AI-driven activities will help you engage students across grade levels and subject areas.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Oct 26, 2023 at 01:19 in Australia

We interact with AI every day we are online. This article explores current concerns, what it means for the future, tips on how to handle plagiarism, ethics, and other concerns, as well as ways to use AI in education.

ChatGPT and Beyond: How to Handle AI in Schools | Common Sense Education

Here's what educators can do as this technology evolves.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Oct 9, 2023 at 23:40 in Australia

A treasure trove of quick and concise classroom practices for every year level.

60-Second Strategies for Educators

Our popular series of short videos that break down effective classroom practices for every grade level in literally one minute—all in one place. How’s that for a quick win?
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Oct 4, 2023 at 22:55 in Australia

Project based learning - Fostering Curiosity, Building Skills and Knowledge, and Preparing for the Future. Incorporating project-based learning into education allows students to take ownership of their learning journey, fostering curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills at each stage of development. By aligning projects with the specific needs and interests of students, educators can inspire a lifelong love of learning and prepare them for a bright future.

Project-Based Learning: Nurturing Curiosity and Creativity Throughout the Years | Eduwebinar

As educators, our mission is to nurture the potential within each student, guiding them on a path of growth and discovery. One powerful way to achieve this is through project-based learning. In this blog post, we’ll explore how project-based learning can be aligned with the different stages of child development, from 0 to 21 years of age.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Genius School Campus

Oct 2, 2023 at 23:51 in Australia

As scholastic tasks become more demanding and curriculum content delivery is constant, high school students need the occasional 3 to 5 minute break. Ultimately, reaping the benefits of short time-outs in the learning process.

17 Brain Breaks Tailored for High Schoolers

As high school students navigate more rigorous academic tasks and denser curricular material, the occasional 3-to-5-minute break delivers a wide range of benefits.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Sep 7, 2023 at 04:02 in Australia

As educators, we understand that children are not one-size-fits-all learners. They embark on a journey of growth and development from the moment they are born, and it’s important for us to adapt our teaching methods to meet their evolving needs.

The Power of Play-Based Learning Across Developmental Stages | Eduwebinar

Infancy to Early Childhood (0-6 years): Building a Strong Foundation
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Aug 25, 2023 at 04:09 in Australia

We’re living in an era when the thinking process is becoming increasingly more important in a student’s learning journey: the ability to be reflective, adaptable, flexible, and nimble during times of constant change.

Tips for Guiding Students to Think Creatively

These simple creativity challenges can encourage students to have the mindset of an artist, a designer, and a change-maker.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Aug 22, 2023 at 00:27 in Australia

6 ways to differentiate learning so students get the support they need to succeed.

6 Foundational Ways to Scaffold Student Learning

A collection of evidence-backed tips to help students cross the bridge from confusion to clarity.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Teen Dynamics

Aug 7, 2023 at 22:07 in Australia

A teacher explains how to develop a student-designed project-based learning activity that covers an array of topics to engage all students.

A PBL Unit on Life as a Young Teen

Project-based learning that’s student-designed and relevant to their lives can have a profound impact.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Teen Dynamics

Jul 24, 2023 at 02:08 in Australia

Using multiple content areas, peer-reviewed data, informational text, and scaffolding to examine climate change, we can push student thinking in original ways while also challenging traditional methods of thinking; we can collectively reimagine new ways to educate, advocate, and connect all members of a community. The following project highlights this learning with integration of science, technology, art, social studies, and mathematics.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Climate Change

Combining several content areas can guide students to develop a deep understanding of how climate change affects them and their community.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Genius School Campus

Jul 10, 2023 at 03:39 in Australia

It's not too late to enrol in the Young Entrepreneur Academy scheduled for Monday to Friday, 7th to 18th August. Spend 1 to 2 hours a day discovering what it takes to design, build and launch a business. Use this discount code OFF300 at https://app.geniusu.com/store/products/1164 which means your enrolment will only be $295. Learn from successful entrepreneurs and be mentored by the Genius School team.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Eduwebinar

Jun 14, 2023 at 23:41 in Australia

The importance of stimulating curiosity and a sense of wonderment in students.

Sparking Students’ Curiosity to Enhance Their Problem-Solving Skills

Curiosity about small questions, or micowonderings, can help students solve problems in any discipline.
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Karen Bonanno

Karen Bonanno
posted in mentor circle: Teen Dynamics

Jun 5, 2023 at 05:18 in Australia

The first step to student ownership is to allow them to pick their topics. Help to kick-start things with a whole-group brainstorming process.

Nurturing Changemakers With an ELA Project

One way to help students master skills is to let them cultivate their own English language arts content to explore. Here’s how.
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