
AI Toolkit

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Example: 01/21

Order Summary

AI Toolkit
USD 97.00

If the promo code is valid, the total value above will be changed.

The AI Toolkit includes $5,000 Worth of resources from GeniusU for $97


Here’s what users get when they buy the AI Toolkit

  1. Wealth Dynamics & Talent Dynamics Reports Upgrade
  2. 1 Test Token
  3. C Suite AI Team Access
  4. 30+ AI Tools for Business
  5. 1000+ Genie/Mentor Prompts
  6. Complimentary Access to AI Entrepreneur Microcourse
  7. $2K+ Vouchers towards AI Entrepreneur Programs

This is a time-limited opportunity for a high-value upgrade. In addition to the above, you also get bonus access to our partner programs.


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