Ikigai ~ Put simply, the reason why you get up in the morning. Found at the intersection where your passions and talents converge with the things that the world needs and is willing to pay for.
If you think about the 4 areas of the Ikigai as wheels on a shopping trolley, if they aren’t balanced, no matter how hard you push they just won't go where you want them to!
Likewise, in life & business, if you don’t have balance, no matter how hard you work your progress can be slow & frustrating.
Looking at your Personal Ikigai gives you a starting point from which you can focus your efforts.
Often, we try to change too much at once, don’t see results quickly & then revert back to our old habits.
Rather than using a scatter gun approach you can use your Ikigai Score to target your efforts where you will see the greatest benefit.
Join us for a 1 hour interactive webinar to uncover your Ik