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Spirit Genius: Nurturing the Spiritual Entrepreneur Within

8 Members
Konliner Konliner

Konliner Konliner
posted in mentor circle: Spirit Genius: Nurturing the Spiritual Entrepreneur Within

Feb 21, 2024 at 04:34

Hope we will become a good community Fun Games

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle
posted Soul Mission Alignment: Embracing Your Magic

Nov 8, 2023 at 10:42 in Philippines


You've always known that you're called to greatness. There has always been this fire that burns fiercely in your heart, a knowing that your life is supposed to be more than what it has been. You hear this gentle voice within...

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle
posted in mentor circle: Spirit Genius: Nurturing the Spiritual Entrepreneur Within

Nov 8, 2023 at 08:34 in Philippines

We are all called to our greatness through our soul mission, our soul purpose. We are invited to take our place in the magnificent cosmic web of Life and give of ourselves. Let's embrace our magic that we may support and nurture the beauty and the light within others as we were all born to do.
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