How well are you joining the dots in your business, and in your life?

Leonardo Da Vinci said Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

Your flow will grow the more you see and make these connections.

This week’s Entrepreneur TV video is from Seattle where I share the story of four people who became billionaires in this city by connecting a big upstream with a big downstream.

William Boeing, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Howard Schultz based their companies, Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks here – as the timber industry led to the aircraft industry which led to technicians for the computer industry and the Internet.

Each chose to move to where the connections were, and where the greatest value could flow. Watch the video on how they created their fortunes <<


In none of their stories did these four billionaires begin by creating their own product. They all began by connecting with the best products they could find for the market they wanted to serve – and moving their location to be in the path of greatest flow.

Learn how to grow your own flow in the same way <<

I also share in this video the winner of our recent competition, along with exciting news on our upcoming Wealth Dynamics 3.0 and Talent Dynamics 3.0 launches taking place in the coming month, along with the iLab Global Impact Awards 2015, which you can join right now!

We’re half way through 2015, so let’s make the second half even better than the first. Join me on the video and post a message on your big goal for the year.

Keep shining brightly,


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