Community Introductions: 

Hi, my name is Catherine and I am the woman behind the Wealth Vector Dynamics. I am a Star profile with a high level of Dynamo in my chart.

Over the coming weeks look forward to introducing other mentors and consultants who are working with the Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards and sharing their stories in our community.

It's an exciting time to share with you all in 2018 both a mentoring and an educational pathway engaging the Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards as entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants growing your businesses in 2018 & beyond.

Since mid 2014, I have been within the Entrepreneur's Institute community from the Fast Forward event in Perth, Australia. Signed up for the Flow consultancy training in Bali - just to get a deck of the WD Vector cards and have never looked back. 

I experienced an instant connection with the cards when Roger shared them onstage and paid to get to Flow training just to receive my deck! They are still my most expensive deck of cards to this day.

Completing both flow and performance consultant training and becoming a mentor on Genius U has been extremely valuable and great grounding in mentoring my clients through Genius U, Wealth Dynamics and developing some processes and systems for you all to work with the WD Vector cards.

My business background is in business management in creative industry where I continue to support my husband's global photographic businesses.

My life experience has taken me down many learning journeys, studying science at University, into natural therapies and youthwork before Dreambuiler coaching and Entrepreneurs Institute -the world of astrology, numerology, archetypes, tarot has always been there since I was a young teen and always added some spice along the way.

My practice has evolved out of a deeper calling to offer support and guidance to entrepreneurs that infuses trusted ancient wisdom with modern day business. 

I believe to be an entrepreneur is a calling, this is not the path for everyone and to be successful, it requires a higher distinction of self awareness, vision and wisdom in order to sense the changing impulses of society and use your visionary qualities to implement ideas that become the businesses that revolutionize the way we think and live.

It is my mission to guide entrepreneurs on their journey to access a connected power that brings wisdom, insight and growth for leading inspired businesses. 

2018 is going to be an exceptional year as an entrepreneur and I look forward to sharing the journey with you all in partnership with the Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards and getting to know who is in our growing community.

Please feel free to share your experiences with the WD Vector cards, ask any questions and also request a specific question for the weekly business focus posts.

POST a HELLO below and let me know where you are from and whether or not you have your WD Vector Cards. 

What are looking forward to in 2018 ?

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