Your Business Weekly In~sight
23rd - 29th April 2018

What Vector will give you a boost in your enterprise this week?

6.1 Accumulation
Patiently collect resources in anticipation of action.

Slowly accumulate a flow of resources one step at a time.

Trying to hurry the process.
Being clearness in collection.

A trickle from a stream is collected patiently in a bucket, slow but steady accumulation.

Calling us back to the genesis of Proven Concept,
"A product or service in demand by the market at a specific price."

We come back to this position with every new product or service on offer to our market. "It is the power that starts all cycles and all journeys."

We are under the influence of star constellation Taurus this week and as with this Vector, The Bull, also is calling us to slowdown, persevere and collect resources mindfully this week.

There is the feel of Quality over Quantity.

"Your Flow" microdegree can assist you to align with your Values, this supports you to create your Vision ~ April is coming to an end~ how is your quarter 2 Vision unfolding ?

The Wind sits over Heaven, the Accumulator sits over the Creator. When we gaze at the sky, it seems still and yet the sky is in movement with the wind actively spreading seed for growth and development.

Here the Accumulator is harnessing the creative force of the Creator, there is greatness here as we accumulate power quietly, by gentle withholding of outward expression.

Go about your business with an external presence of stillness as you tame the power within and prepare yourself for action at a later stage.

Your mindful approach will position you well.

In returning to your proven concept come back to your path, not following the path of others, fortune comes when you are on your unique path.

Be aware not to force yourself against your own nature, trust your intuition which is clear and certain, it holds no mental chatter or emotional resonance.

This Vector, when embodied will bring forth a subtle, undetectable influence.

Have a prosperous week entrepreneurs !

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