In the last post in this circle I highlighted the relationship of the Deal Maker to the Creator using the Vector cards. It gave us Deal Makers an insight into how to interact with our Creator colleagues so as to create flow in the dynamic and draw on the value we can bring together.

Similarly there is a specific path to flow for a Creator in working with a Deal Maker, and that is the quality represented in the Vector of 1.4 CAUTION.

The Creator is generally fast paced, quick to pump out new ideas, often without waiting for the last idea to gain traction and percolate through the cycle of development and implementation before throwing out the next idea. The Deal Maker can find this level of speed and timing challenging for their Tempo energy.

In working with a Deal Maker the Creator can use caution by treading wisely and waiting for the best time to act. Its a slowing down and avoiding acting impulsively or too quickly or rushing into things. 

Some of the key words to consider here is patience, awareness, quiet, amiable, possibilities, slow and low.

The Balance of the vectors Breakthrough and Caution is the alertness required of the Deal Maker to act quickly on the ideas as they break through from the Creator and the need for the Creator to slow down so that the breakthroughs can be directed wisely in tune with timeliness.


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