There is an amazing story in Business Insider this morning about the smash hit online game Fortnite.

Have you heard of Fortnite? You should have. This unusual cross between Minecraft and first person combat games like Skyrim has spread through the gaming world like wildfire.

What’s the news? Well as a free to play game, Fortnite just grossed $318 Million in a month. It tears apart the record books, over $100M more than any previous game of this class.

There are many powerful lessons in here for all @wealth builders. It shows that customers are rejecting ‘Pay to play’ models, but rewarding entrepreneurs who create powerful experiences and then offer ‘experience upgrades’, especially when those upgrades are perceived as a high reward for a low outlay (easy to do in a global marketplace especially with digital goods).

What good ideas do you have to upgrade the quality of your free offerings, while bringing down the costs of ‘optional extras’ and scaling horizontally?

As a Star, these concepts are pretty mind-bending to me but I’ve enjoyed the latest GeniusU 10x your Impact microdegree in which @Roger talks about building a customer pathway gaining attention, time, decision and ultimately money through ongoing interactions of increasing trust.

I can see how Fortnite’s developers quickly built their community by capturing the attention of existing game players and then building on that with incredible value and community interaction to the point where people were more than happy to share some of their money because the game-makers Epic had crystallized time in a way that the community could get far more value by paying money than by using their time.

We are definitely in a world where we need to give high quality experiences to our community for free, and invite them to an even better experience through some time of paid upgrade. In what ways could you replicate Fortnite’s model in your business activities to build @wealth in your overall community?


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