I've been taking tips from this interesting article this morning, Lorena from Modus Create has 5 great ideas on getting community members to complete forms. 

Isn't member information incredibly valuable? it helps with matching people who need services (something I do regularly) and helps with targeting marketing to minimize member overload, and a bunch of other things.

I am just exploring this with a local networking community where a large number of members provide absolutely no information about themselves. The article caught my eye though because I've been working on my own GeniusU profile in the last week, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get the blooming progress bar over 90%. If yours is, please comment below!

The 5 tips:

1. Reduce Effort by Breaking Up the Task

2. Reduce Stress by showing a Progress bar

3. Make tasks as easy as possible to complete

4. Reward user's good behaviour

5. Be Playful

The article centers around techniques that are (and could be) used by AirBnB to encourage their global member register to add personal information. Have you faced the challenge of encouraging people to correctly and completely fill in forms on line, either on your own website or on a community platform? If so I'd love to hear your best practices.


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