In this article we're going to briefly explore the Deal Maker - Supporter relationship through the Wealth Vector Cards.

The Deal Maker to Supporter

As a Deal Maker you are the flexible and fun connector, bringing others together, while our Supporter colleagues ignite all around and unites in a bonfire of enthusiasm.  

This seems like a beautifully matched and complimentary dynamic - grounded in "uniting" and "connecting", yet, like any relationship or dynamic, it requires an understanding of how to interact whilst maintaining personal flow.

The quality that best assists a Deal Maker to get in greatest flow with a Supporter is the Vector 4.3 - REFORM.  

When working with a Supporter you are called to take constructive action and reshape to suit conditions. 

The Supporters natural ability to build, excite and lead a team provides you, the Deal Maker, with ideal conditions to create meaningful connections for, with, and between,  members of the team to bring about realignment with each other, the project, the cause, the purpose, external opportunities,  and to any new conditions faced with the Supporter and the team.

The Supporters ability to unite requires you to align with the flow that is being created by the Supporter through the collective, and indeed to help others make that shift also.  

Avoid leaving things as they are or beginning from scratch.  

Through your ability to connect and see the needs of others, and how they can compliment and work together, you are able to meet people where they are already at and improve, prepare or build from there.  You are also able to create opportunities for the collective with external influences. 

There is a focus on progressive action in this relationship as sole identities merge into team identity.

The Supporter to Deal Maker

Just as the Deal Maker has a winning formula or approach with the Supporter, so too does the Supporter have a quality to greatest flow with the Deal Maker.

This is the Vector 3.4 - OPPOSITION.

The quality or focus for greatest flow for a Supporter to Deal Maker dynamic is to keep your identity as relationships become merged.  

So where the Deal Maker is called to take constructive action to bring about alignment, moulding and repositioning to suit the changing environment, the Supporter is being reminded that as the team unites, and their relationship with the Deal Maker becomes fully connected and aligned taking on a collective identity, to remain true to their principles and clear about their path.  

The Supporter, to remain in flow, may need to avoid yielding to other interests too easily or without opposition. The Deal Maker's constructive action will result in partnerships, collaborations, working with others, and deals.  

The Supporter is well advised to question, explore, clarify and evaluate actions and opportunities that arise as a result of such opportunities  in relation to their principles and purpose. 

Be prepared to agree to disagree with the Deal Maker, knowing that their path to flow with a Supporter is to reform - reshape to suit the conditions that the Supporter has ignited.

Wealth Vector Cards

To find out more about the Wealth Vector Cards join Catherine Ord's Circle - Wealth Vector System.

I love the Wealth Vector Cards - their versatility and insights. I have been fortunate to learn more and develop my practise in using the cards under Catherine's mentorship, and enjoy being able to share some of that with you in relation to our Deal Maker Profile with you through this circle.



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