Call centers are considered as a cost-effective way for businesses to achieve high profitability. These BPOs are a blend of calls, emails, and chats. The call center owners are known to maintain a systematic record of financial data, call logs, customer information, and call recordings. These are the conventional sources that were anyways present for the BPOs.

However, with the advent of technology and mindset shift of businesses towards customers, everything has changed. Now, call centers need to be on the top of their game and that’s why embracing digital data from daises such as Twitter, Facebook, and allied platforms are catching pace. But, the data available on the social media or other channels is unstructured and text-heavy. Hence, call centers seek a contemporary method to mine this information.

Be it an Indian call center or any other BPO in any nation, big-data analytics is becoming a rising trend in this sector. With the help of big-data, call centers are able to track what is occurring to data and what modifications are needed.

What is big data?

Big data is a vast and convoluted assortment of data which is quite tough to be handled utilizing the conventional applications. Businesses are more into big-data now because of its ability to offer help in gathering valuable insights and making crucial decisions. Quite a few business owners termed big data as a high-volume, prompt velocity, and first-rate information.

How is big data benefiting the call centers?

Since call centers are known to focus on customers entirely, big data comes handy. If the call centers are able to get their hand on the big-data technology, they are empowered to assess the data, analyze it, and attend it, which, in turn, enhances their comprehensive performance. Call centers are measuring the social media conversations of customers using big data.

Key aspects such as user behavior and speech analytics are tracked to predict the user’s requirement. In short, big data offers a 360-degree view to customers. In real, business owners overlook big data owing to the high cost involved. The elemental aspect to be understood here is that big data is known to enhance the overall customer experience, which ultimately leads to profitability for your business.

Call center using the big-data are known to manage customers on multiple channels and generate results into in-memory analytics daises. This helps the call center experts to manage the customer’s issue in real-time, which, in turn, ensures a satiated customer base.

Merits of big data

Now, we will be counting on the advantages that are related to the big data. Let’s start:

Makes agents more efficient

Be it an Indian call center or somewhere else, agents can assess the recorded calls using big data. Post this, analysis of keywords, tone, and call experience can be done using big data. By using this tool, customer calls can be routed to the most suited call center experts. This significantly trims the AHT or average handling time and FCR or first contact resolution. All in all, call center experts are empowered to become more efficient.

Makes the customer experience an unmatched one

There is zero use to enhance the agent’s performance if an unparalleled customer experience is not offered. Owing to the big data implementation, agents can engage customers in real-time, can offer support on various channels, and can map the customer journey quite impeccably. All this leads to a first-rate customer experience.

For instance, if a customer who had a lousy experience with the call center previously is needed to put through an expert rather than directing towards IVR. So, big data offers a chance to call center owners and managers to actually understand the requirements of customers who had a bad experience in past to transform it into a positive experience.

Makes new product development easy

Assessment of the big data helps businesses to craft new products and aids in targeting audience to promote and advertise the offerings on offline & online mediums. It offers a glimpse of customer behavior, background & activities in varied locations that help businesses to tap the right customer or to develop their product/service in accordance with the audience’s requirements.

Final Takeaway

 Although big data is now present in the market for a few years, still this technology is in its toddler stage. Eminent companies such as GE, Verizon, and Caesars have successfully adopted big data and are witnessing high profit. Indian call centers are also adopting big data on a slow but encouraging pace as it helps in increasing their overall productivity.

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