Day 4 of the 5 Day $50k Entrepreneur Challenge is NOW LIVE! :large_green_circle:

Topic: High Touch- Develop the critical high-value customer touchpoints to ensure you have customers and a community that you attract and grow automatically.

The challenge is now live on our Startup Entrepreneurs Facebook group. Please click here to join the Facebook Group to connect with the challenge community.

Click here to access the Microdegree and to download your slides and access the daily recordings! 

As a challenge attendee, you also get the opportunity to instantly earn 10,000 Genie GEMs worth $100. You can redeem these GEMS in the future.

Click here to take the one-minute Entrepreneur Quiz and from your answer, we will direct you to your personal success path on GeniusU and show you how to spend your GEMs.

Click here to join our instant messenger update on Facebook- so you don't miss out on any resources, challenge e-book, and reminders. And just by clicking to join, we will give you a $50 voucher you can use any time during 2021.

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