🙌 Here’s the Success Story of one of our valued members, David Anttony from Singapore:

“The greatest thing I learned about my wealth dynamics profile is that it’s a WEALTH profile and not a personality or skills profile. I am a mechanic profile with a strong creator secondary profile, and because I am very well skilled all-round, in the past I tended to take on the wrong projects or focus on the wrong part of joint projects, so hence wealth did not flow to me and struggle, stress and frustration were every-day experiences instead. Subsequently, despite creating 9 businesses in my life from nothing, literally nothing, it is only in the last three years and with my last three companies, that I have created financial wealth flow for myself and others, all from systems-driven web-based companies.

In my main, bread and butter, company, Magic Webs, which is an SEO and Web development company run out of Singapore, right now I hold two positions, Marketing Director and Systems Consultant. These two roles may seem incongruent, but the way I do things as a mechanic makes them totally congruent. In December of 2010, Magic Webs was almost bankrupt and I lost 90% of my operations team in one week. Since that time I have rebuilt the company from the base up systemizing core client delivery and cash management functions. We now have a 45-person team with 5 open positions. My learning in rebuilding the company was to divest in roles that are not my highest core value delivery as fast as I can and as soon as I have systemized them, making it easy for others to take over.

During the last twelve months, I have held over 20 different positions in my company, some I only held for a week. I even divested in my CEO role in January of this year and passed it to a better-suited person who is a star profile, and took on the strategic role of Marketing Director with a sub role as the companies Systems Consultant. My strategic decision to focus my energies as our Marketing Director and Systems Consultant have paid off in an amazing way. I still get to poke my nose into the “nitty-gritty” of the company systems and processes, allowing me to improve them, while not upsetting anyone in the team by being critical of others and not spotting all the issues I see with my eyes closed. And of course, in my marketing role, I do not do it in a conventional way. I drive our marketing through systems, so seeing we’re a search engine optimization company, my main marketing functions are based around us being #1 in Google, which requires pure mechanics. With my Marketing Director role, I get to drive the companies leading edge and set strategic direction. A working example of this happened just last week. In a single day, I rewired our company to follow a new strategic direction, allowing us to grow all flowing well, to become a 10 million dollar revenue company within 2 to 3 years while reducing our workload by a factor of 5.

Harries, one of our top developers came to me with a proposal to make our Results Manager (RM) system web-based. The RM is an internal dedicated client processes management system. Synchronicity engaged its engine, and the very next day when I was casually looking at an online tool for another part of our business processes, I had a flash of inspiration. The system I was looking at was a subscription-based system costing over 300$ a month. I thought why not make our RM a subscription-based tool. This single idea would allow us to earn more and work less. A day later, we engaged 7 new web developers and made Harries their team leader – they will now deliver the core system in 6 weeks! Harries and I laughed together at our new joint creation when I said to Harries, “this is not software, this is beachware, we will be on the beach soon mate with our feet up.”

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