🙌  Here’s the Success Story of one of our valued members, Ming Chan from Australia:

“A corporate soldier of fortune given her mission orders, stumbling through the wilderness on an unchartered path; a solitary figure. I left this past behind me to start a new journey. No longer suited but raw and stripped, bearing my soul to the world. I was on a new path of rediscovery. I needed to find out who I was, rather than being told by my work colleagues and others. Through friends, I came across Roger Hamilton and his WD profile. For me this was the puzzle that opened the secret door to my new world. Once the missing piece had been placed into the door, all the pieces fell into place and the door was flung wide open. You see, for me the WD profile helped explain to me a number of things that I was always in conflict with. I couldn’t understand why I was always the one coming up with the brilliant ideas, yet someone else was always taking credit for this and, to add insult to injury I was overlooked as part of the plan of implementation.

I also couldn’t understand why I was never rewarded or appreciated for being the diligent worker in the team. Although I was part of the team, I always felt that I was outside of the team. I am Chinese in origin and the I Ching model on which the profile is based made perfect sense to me. I realized that I need not be the solitary figure on a mission of martyrdom, but instead could surround myself with a team that would support and complement my skills. Now, that I have realized my preferences and work style that best suits me, I have decided to start my own business. This is because I am a Creator. I have targeted a business type that is suited to my work preferences and ensures me the greatest chance of success. I began a quest to learn more about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and what my passions were. I am now embarking on my journey and ascent towards my new life, and hopefully to my ancestral connection at Machu Picchu.”

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