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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Business

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:45 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Heather Joy Bassett

Heather Joy Bassett
posted in mentor circle: Business

Jul 3, 2023 at 10:34 in Australia

I love playing the Game of Business! Having had my own for 4+ decades, I now want to partner with others! I won the World Series in Lacrosse! Right people, right place, right time, right reason does that! I’m a supporter / star. I love layering human design with gene keys and wealth dynamics. An Activator, big Picture Strategy, POWeR Beside the thrown. I bring transformation, innovation that ensures continuity. Someone else brings the what, when, how. Magnify, enhance, optimize, align, that’s my jam. A polymath with mastery. I’m looking to play . I’m a rare creature. A Manifestor in HD designed to partner, who loves people. Interpreting, translating and navigating people, so the biggest problem in business doesn’t have a first and last name

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Imagine building a billion-dollar company that competes with the biggest companies in the industry, and doing it with a modest 3-person team powered by AI. 🤔

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