Empower your child's homeschooling journey with enriching, real-world experiences!
Is your homeschooled child curious and eager to explore the world around them? Do you ever wonder how to ensure their education incorporates valuable real-world experiences?
This FREE 60-minute masterclass, designed specifically for homeschool parents like you, will explore the importance of integrating real-world learning into your child's personalised curriculum.
See the comments for more information on how to register for this free virtual event.

To Know, To Value, To Act. The three key knowledge domains every learner needs for their future success.
Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student
Punyamishra.com released this graphic on 3 knowledge domains for the 21st century student: Foundational, Humanistic, and Meta Knowledge.

Handle your projects in the age of AI and automation with ease, confidence and peace of mind.
Learn simple project management habits and use your natural talents to achieve success. Save 30% of your time.
In the online Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program, you work ON YOUR PROJECT and get a piece of YOUR OWN WORK done.
💪 You'll learn how to clarify the purpose of a project, create good assignments, and streamline your work using AI.
💪 You'll learn how to think and act agile, how to conduct proper project meetings and simply work with risks.
💪 You'll know how to leverage your innate qualities and develop intrinsic motivation in coworkers.
AI avatar Master Your Project Genius 5.0 invitation https://youtu.be/fExSCz-y2es
Master your project management 3rd April 2024 invitation with subtitles
Josef Hajkr AI avatar invitation - program Master your Project Genius 5.0.April 3rd, 2024

Cinema can be a fun and useful model for lesson planning. It offers a tried-and-true structure for engaging an audience of moviegoers that can be equally effective with a classroom full of students.
Lights, Cameras, Teach! Movie Making as a Lesson Planning Strategy
Check out these seven ideas for bringing the creative juices of movie making into your teaching practice.

Questioning is the art of learning. Learning to ask important questions is the best evidence of understanding there is, far surpassing the temporary endorphins of a correct ‘answer.’
Why Questions Are More Important Than Answers
Why are questions more important than answers? Because answers stop learning while questions start it, contextualizing what we don't know.

When we handwrite notes we are already processing the information, prioritising it and relating it to information we already know. Check out the latest research at the link below.
Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning
Engaging the fine motor system to produce letters by hand has positive effects on learning and memory

By visually mapping their knowledge, organizational sketches help kids spot big gaps in their learning, improving their metacognition and providing them with a handy tool to evaluate their progress.
How Drawing Can Lead to Deeper Understanding
Organizational drawings—concept maps and sketchnotes, for example—help students see gaps in their learning while boosting comprehension by fourfold.

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Genius School
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Karen Bonanno
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