Purpose test

Purpose Test

13350 Members

GeniusU Genie
posted Calling all Purpose and Passion Test takers!

Apr 12, 2024 at 14:14 in India

How has understanding your purpose and passion empowered you to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life? Share your insights below! 🌟✨

Haven't taken the Purpose and Passion Test yet? Discover your purpose and passion and share your...

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Desktop friday 12 april   gu

GeniusU Genie
posted Monday Motivation

Apr 8, 2024 at 12:35 in India

Start your week with clarity and determination. Remember, purpose fuels your journey, while passion illuminates the path ahead. Let's make this week one filled with purpose-driven passion! 🔥 💫

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Desktop monday 08 april   gu
Josef Hajkr

Josef Hajkr
posted in mentor circle: Purpose Test

Mar 21, 2024 at 19:13 in Česká republika

Handle your projects in the age of AI and automation with ease, confidence and peace of mind. Learn simple project management habits and use your natural talents to achieve success. Save 30% of your time. In the online Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program, you work ON YOUR PROJECT and get a piece of YOUR OWN WORK done. 💪 You'll learn how to clarify the purpose of a project, create good assignments, and streamline your work using AI. 💪 You'll learn how to think and act agile, how to conduct proper project meetings and simply work with risks. 💪 You'll know how to leverage your innate qualities and develop intrinsic motivation in coworkers. https://app.geniusu.com/products/1324/payments/one_page [REGISTER NOW] secure your spot at a discounted rate! Use coupon code MYP30%OFF to get a 30% discount

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GeniusU Genie
posted Unlock Your Purpose with Our Free Test! 

Mar 6, 2024 at 10:01 in India

🎯 Discover Your No.1 Purpose: Identify which of the 17 UN Global Goals resonates with you the most.

🤝 Connect with Like-minded Individuals: Join a community of purpose-driven individuals who share...

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Desktop wednesday 06 march   ei

We're thrilled to share the inspiring journey of one of our valued users, Marian Hlaváček, who undertook our

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Desktop monday 04 march   ei
Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle
posted Soul Mission Alignment: Embracing Your Magic

Nov 8, 2023 at 10:42 in Philippines


You've always known that you're called to greatness. There has always been this fire that burns fiercely in your heart, a knowing that your life is supposed to be more than what it has been. You hear this gentle voice within...

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Desktop sm   geniusu spirit circle

 🌟 Are you ready to discover your genius, passion, and purpose? 

Join the Connect Masterclass on Tuesday, 5th September 2023 at 9AM London / 4PM Singapore! 

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What is your passion? What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What are you willing to put in the hard work for?

These are all important questions to ask yourself if you want to discover your passion and unleash your inner...

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🌟 Are you ready to discover your genius, passion, and purpose? 

Join the Connect Masterclass on Tuesday, 1st August 2023 at 9AM London / 4PM Singapore! 

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Desktop gm connect masterclass

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