Most popular circles 1092 circles

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Team Leadership Plan
Team Leadership Microschool with Donna Izobella.
The Emotional Alchemy Academy
The Emotional Alchemy Academy (EAA) offers cutting-edge solutions for self-healthcare, with a special focus on emotional intelligence and mastery of one's emotional wellbeing.Why is managing your emotions so important?Because if you store negative emotions and stress inside of...
Austin City Circle
The Austin City Circle is a destination for conscious entrepreneurs to meet, network, learn, and empower one another along our journeys. First and foremost, this community is a family. Aligned with purpose and profit, the Austin City Circle has two goals: ambitiously drive...
Business Accelerator Mastermind
Join an elite group of entrepreneurs fully committed to becoming the best at what they do. A structured twelve-month journey into what it takes to do exactly that and also make a profound difference in the world. Intimate access to global leaders, their proven roadmaps,...
Grow Your Cash Flow
Bringing together the best learning in cashflow management to enable entrepreneurs with a great big vision secure the cashflow to make that happen. Our purpose is to create greater impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals by helping others on their journey too.
Flow & Performance Consultant Training, July 2017
Closed group for Flow & Performance Consultants attending the Accreditation training at Vision Villas, Bali in July 2017. This group will be our primary point of connection and coordination as we gear up for the event.
Charlotte City Circle
Our vision is to build of a sustainable social entrepreneurial ecosystem in Charlotte Metro area. Come
MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Personality Type Testing
This circle is for all those who would like to learn more about MBTI and how it enriches your life.
Academia del Bienestar
Desarrollando el Potencial Emprendedor con Impacto Creemos en el gran movimiento emprendedor. Sabemos que buscas expresar ese talento único que llevas dentro y transformar la vida de muchas personas. Te acompañamos en el proceso Te apoyamos a que emprendas con propósito...
Genius School Teen Quest
A place and space for all Teen Quest students, parents, facilitators and mentors to connect, discuss, share, view content, access resources and generally hang out.