Most popular circles 1092 circles

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Performance Consultant Certification 14 - 17 July 2019
Welcome to the Performance Consultant Circle! This is where you are able to meet and connect with your fellow PC's - share ideas, ask questions and find all your info! As a *Performance Consultant, you will be certified in how to run entire one and two day programs, with...
Leading Heart
We serve individuals and organizations globally providing coaching, training and consulting services to develop and evolve human relationships into greater harmony, joy, and success. Bringing a sense of expanded consciousness to everything and everyone is at the heart of what...
Adkings - Digital Marketing Agency
We specialize in helping E-commerce Stores growing their revenue to 7 and 8 digit level via proven and innovative, performance focused digital marketing solutions. Over the years our team members had the honor to work with a few well-known worldwide brands like Esqido, MTVM...
GEM Lithuania
This is the meeting place for all Lithuania-based Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind members to discuss the learnings, ask questions and help each other grow.
FIRE Creative
Hey, Debbie Evran here, Founder and Creative Director at FIRE Creative, I’ve been designing inimitable brand identities and creative marketing campaigns for the last 20+ years. I’ve also written taglines and brand stories for some of the UK’s leading brands that have led to...
The Helpful Systems Academy
Hey Entrepreneur Friends 👋🏻 How are your Business Systems? Are they SMART (scalable, measurable, affordable, realistic and teachable)? Or, are they YUCKY (all stored in your head, useless, chaotic, keeping you at the level you are, or too heavily reliant on your team's...
Entrepreneur Coaching Academy
International Training organisation for Coaches. At the forefront of coach training and chosen by those who want to professionally train in the practical skills of coaching. Your training with the Entrepreneur Coaching Academy will always be educational and fun with an...
Exponential Health & Wellness Innovation
This Circle is for those who are interested in disruptive and exponential Health and Wellness Innovation with massive impact on health of global population. "Innovation can be categorized by its impact on stakeholders as either non-disruptive or disruptive. Non-disruptive...
Liverpool City Circle
This City Circle is for Liverpool entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Liverpool's monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Adelaide City Circle
This circle is for all the events organised by GeniusU Social in Adelaide