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Change Optimised
Our purpose is to help leaders create healthy and vibrant organisations which are fit for the digital age. We believe everyone can realise their full potential provided with the right environment, skills and support.We are passionate about making organisations great places to...
Mindset Mastery
We clean our bodies everyday, but somehow, we neglect our minds.
Clean up your mind and manifest your potential. Discovery what gets in the way and how to work with limitations, stress and obstacles that is effective.
Destination Retreats
Circle for Social Entrepreneurs who want to combine their love for travel in exotic destinations with adding transformational retreats into their suite of services. A place to share resources, tips, ideas and upcoming retreats.
Entrepreneur Dynamics Kuala Lumpur
Entrepreneur Dynamics mumbai, the #1 system for Entrepreneurs. Used by the world’s leading entrepreneurs and fastest growing companies
GeniusU Microdegree Review
Weekly Review of GeniusU Microdegrees
Nimble Coaching
Nimble Coaching offers unique client focused and results driven business coaching solutions and systems that focus on both your business and your life. Why? Because we believe that you can’t have a thriving business if you life is in turmoil, and of course if your business is...
Bogotá City Circle
This City Circle is for Bogotá entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Bogotá monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Este es el circulo de Bogotá donde los emprendedores y empresarios se conectan para...
How To Get Stuff Done
This is a circle to support tired, frustrated or overwhelmed entrepreneurs who want to become more productive and prosperous. There are so many things to do when you run your own business, it's hard to know where to start. This circle will offer productivity tips and tricks to...
Who I Am Communications
Who Am I? Who I Am! The same three words, yet what a profound difference in meaning. The first sentence asks a question based on uncertainty, while the second makes a declaration based on surety. Who I Am Communications consists of Positive...
Convierte los problemas de tu empresa en grandes oportunidades.1.- Consultoría y Coaching EmpresarialTe acompañamos en el crecimiento hacia la rentabilidad sustentable por medio de la ejecución consciente e inteligente, detectando los problemas que impiden el crecimiento de tu...