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Official WD/TD Token Exchange
The official WD/TD token exchange!
Habitat 4 Wildlife
Habitat 4 Wildlife Conservation - Africa is working to conserve 1,2 million acres of Habitat 4 Wildlife We invite you to join our Community/Tribe/Company of Dedicated Rangers through a Monthly Membership Program or ongoing Support as and when you can! 🎉 Everyone that joins...
Talents for Tech
GROWTH HR COACHING Hiring IT talent in Europe gets harder and harder. There is a lack of about 15-20 000 IT professionals in our home-country, Slovakia, Central Europe, alone. In the EU there are 500 000 missing ICT specialists. With us you can: Decrease the cost...
Karen L Robertson
There are many coaches out there who teach you money management and prioritization skills, but very few who focus on YOU, the musician. I’ve been where you are: teaching full time, playing gigs, but constantly feeling like I had to be working 80 hours a week to have the...
Duncan's Demonstration Circle
This is a demo circle
abc test
The Emotional Fitness Contract
Do you want deeper connection? Are you ok with sitting on the fence, knowing you cannot be a voice in your own life. In your relationships, do you find yourself being dominated or controlled? My name is Shane Bowen. I have created “emotional fitness contract. This is...
Communauté Francophone
Bienvenue dans la communauté francophone de Genius U. Au cours de la prochaine année vous aurez accès au contenu Genius U traduit en français. Vous avez l'opportunité de faire grandir votre cercle entrepreunarial avec cette communauté, profitez-en!
QVS Consulting
We are a consultancy organisation that helps Finance become more responsive to outside world dynamics. We combine the latest digital technologies with business best practices and support your team to adopt them.   Our services: - Digital Transformation Roadmap -...
Young Entrepreneur Mentorship Program
A community for Mentors and Mentees to connect, discuss and share.