Do you have an idea that you would like to convert into a profitable business? 

Is your idea important to you because it could make the world a little bit better if more people knew about it? 

Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of information available online that tells you what to do? 

Well, you are not alone. We know how you are feeling - and we know it’s not an easy place to be in. If you feel drawn to a quick, all-encompassing 360ª method that will help you to test the market and validate your idea quickly, you have come to the right place. We have thirty plus years of experience in entrepreneurship and have put this Microdegree together for you to create something bigger than yourself. The world needs better products and services. The world needs you to bring them to life. 

When you go through this Microdgree, you will feel more empowered and knowledgeable with every step you take. We help you to verify your idea by applying the lean start-up approach, using the business model canvas and Osterwalder’s Value Proposition design as well as other resources. By the end of the course you will have your first results which will tell you how to monetize your idea in the best way possible. 

(2 reviews)
Joshua Ngoma
Joshua Ngoma
South Africa


Microdegree Outcomes
Your Microdegree Mentor
Joshua Ngoma
Joshua Ngoma Mentor

Joshua Ngoma is a serial entrepreneur since the age of eight which was when he started his first business. He also is the Founder of Earn, a business coaching company that offers 360º business support and lifestyle solutions to startups. The secret of getting quick results with Earn is that they are working with a clear step-by-step model using the best start-up resources on the market. Joshua and his team have worked with over 50 start-ups thus far and taken their invention from idea stage to a profitable business. Joshua has founded the company because he wants to enable entrepreneurs around the world to feel empowered and self-reliant so that they can take immediate action. The world needs more people like that. 

Bibi Gratzer is your second Mentor for this Microdegree. She supported not only Joshua as a Microdegree Mentor on GeniusU, but has taken many entrepreneurs from idea to launch of their Microdegree. She has many years of experience in supporting and empowering social and impact entrepreneurs around the world.