Lockdown easing, we are tempted to go back to the comfort of our ordinary and normal. Instead, what if we embrace the extraordinary and the diverse, starting from that bit that lives deeply inside us?

In this time together, we are going to explore and play with this idea. And we are going to do that by tapping into the fantasy/fiction world of SUPER-heroes, who are experts in navigating the extraordinary within the ordinary.


The purpose is to:

  • Get in touch with an aspect of ourselves that we may not be aware of
  • Find a way we could step into it more often
  • Bring it into our real life to support us into the post-pandemic transition


Join me if you:

  • Value self-discovery
  • Believe that 'if you can dream it, you can become it' (William Arthur Ward)
  • Already have your SUPER-hero, or you have never thought of having one


What to expect:

  • An experimental and creative session centred on an adapted ORSC (= Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching) visualisation, where you will journey into your playfulness and imagination
  • A deep experience of your relationship with yourself
  • A glimpse of what your SUPER person of tomorrow can be like


Microdegree Outcomes
Your Microdegree Mentor
Simona Fornarino
Simona Fornarino Mentor

My work has been significantly informed by a rich combination of experiences that unfolded from a single driving question: ‘How being at your best can better the world around you and vice versa?’


- Obtaining a Ph.D. in Genetics of Human Diversity and Evolution

- Engaging in front-line services for adults in psychological distress and young people with learning disabilities/autism

- Becoming a Certified Co-Active® and ORSC™ Trained coach

- Moving more than 40 times across 4 countries,

It is evidence: no matter how challenged in life, we each have the power to challenge the status quo and initiate an individual and global change, if we choose to and allow the power to be, every day!