Entrepreneur Reboot
Revitalise your life, energise your business and prevent burnout
It’s easy when all is going well to take your health and relationships for granted. But if your main focus is your work, in the long term your health and relationships will suffer and you are on the slippery slope to burnout, disease and loneliness.
Don’t let this be you!
Restore balance and connection NOW to feel healthy, energised and have a fabulous life and relationships
Do you …
- Spend most of your time focused on your businesses and finances to the detriment of your health and family?
- Regularly feel exhausted?
- Have little to no “me time’ or family time?
- Find it difficult to stay focused and productive?
- Need to back off from burnout?
- Regularly toss and turn at night from worry?
- Know there is more to life and wants to find balance and deeper more rewarding connection
What will happen if you don’t get this handled?
If I talked to you in a years time you’d be in the exact same place with the exact same problem, or even worse have deterioration in your health and business. And you’ll be one year older!
All the plans you have for your life - travel, adventure, a successful business, with time for the family, relaxation and fun - go by the wayside for another year.
But it doesn’t have to be this way … what if there was a way revitalise your and life and energise your business? There is no better time than NOW so come and join us in living life to the full with the energy and health to enjoy it.
A juicy experience to enliven your ….
- Life, so everything is not just about work and you find more time for play
- Have the energy to do the things you love
- Body, to look and feel radiant to express more of your natural essence
- Relationships with yourself, family, friends and tribe for greater fun
- Productivity to energise your business and increase your bottom line
Join us for a fun and experiential 4 weeks Microschool to revitalise your life and business
You will receive:
4 x 90 minute accelerated learning and interactive webinars
2 x 45 minute Q&A sessions
2 x 45 minute personal deep dives
Playbooks, meditations and visualisations to listen to and work on in your own time
Health Dynamics assessment to understand your unique health and mind and what is best for YOU to get into flow
Are you ready to move into winter or summer with a life that nourishes and fulfils you in every aspect?
Value $1500+
Price $1333
First 10 register for only $999
2nd November to 27th November 2020
GeniusU membership site
(6 reviews)Circle(s)
Microdegree Outcomes
Welcome to the Entrepreneur Reboot and four fab weeks to rivitalise your life and energise your business without burnout
Thank you for joining us.
Please message me Pam Lob via GeniusU with your email address or email to pam@pamlob.com
You will be sent a token and a link to discover your health and wealth dynamics profile and will also receive an in depth report.
A couple of questionnaires to complete to know where you are right now.
A video and playbook on acknowledgment and acceptance. Change only happens when we accept where we are to start with. This does not mean you have to like it, just acknowledge this is how things are right now.
Please schedule your 2x 30 minute deep dive sessions. The first will be a debrief and more personalised information about your profile and the second a time for coaching on any area you require to get your life balanced and connected in all aspects.
We will meet every Tuesday starting 6th October for a 90 minute interactive session, so please put time aside in your diary as the best results will be from attending live and interacting with your hosts and fellow participants.
There will also be a GeniusU Circle and a telegram group to interact with each other and get any additional questions not addressed on the calls answered.
Each week their will be a playbook, meditation or visualisation.
Webinars will be interactive with lots of activities so for best results block out time in your diary to attend live (timing will match as many time zones as possible and will depend on who enrols)
Week 1- Your Body
Tune into your physical body
Discover the importance of the gut brain connection
What are the different body types and what does it mean for YOU
Epigenetics and what you can do to switch your DNA in the right direction
Reduce your toxic load
Week 2- Your Mind
What are the different body types and what does it mean for YOU
Stress – its effects and how to reduce it
The benefits of Mindfulness and gratitude
How to reduce the monkey mind and to maintain focus
Week 3- Connect with your Heart
What is heart intelligence
How to connect to your heart and feel emotions
What are defence mechanisms and what to do about them
Connect to your joy
Week 4- Connect with your Natural Essence
What is your natural essence
How do you connect to it and what are the benefits
How to increase your presence and radiance
How to improve your relationships with self and others.
Bonus Webinar
Your Microdegree Mentor
About Pam Lob
After a lengthy battle with her own health issues, followed by the death of my husband it would have been easy for Pam to hide away from the world to grieve, live a staid and boring existence and to carry on fighting her hormones.
But instead she chose to grasp life with both hands and over the last few years have transform into a joyful sassy, healthy, adventurous goddess who no longer plays small.
As an author, speaker, healer and health genie, Pam supports those who are struggling with health issues, menopause, weight problems, bereavement, stress and anxiety or burnout to revitalise all aspects of their lives, embody the joy and discover the flow
As a qualified nurse, holistic hypnotherapist, counsellor and coach, with a degree in psychology, along with years of personal development and life experience plus training as an Art of Feminine Presence Teacher, Pam has a unique cocktail of vitality strategies and secrets that will give you the energy and clarity you need to crate the body, lifestyle, or business you’ve been dreaming of!
About Tora Zophia Silverhoj (formely Susana)
Tora is a multi-passionate life designer; visionary, futurist, intuitive energy seer & oracle, transformational author & speaker, energy master & mentor.
​Her mission is to raise the level of consciousness & love on our planet through transformations, reactivations and unleashing of our unique genius & superpowers hiding within us all. She is also a huge nerd, who loves to dive deep into scientific research, quantum fields, galactic realities and meaning of life. For her, life is about freedom which comes from bending reality to a dream life others believe is impossible.