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Mentoring Programs
Jedi 5.0 6 months foundational training for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Welcome to THE trabing base camp for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders! Every high performer trains before they go out in the world: At...
Influex store bbs diagnostic
Cashflow Management
Business Balance Sheet Diagnostic
If you want to really gain an insight in to the state of your business then we recommend undertaking a financial diagnostic. This involves provi...
Influex store 8 things cover
e-Book: 8 Things to Unlock Cash In Your Business
Most business owners haven’t run a business themselves before – many are learning as they go. Their main focus is purely on revenue and expenses an...
Influex store product size crypto hour  1
Mentoring Programs
Crypto Investor Microschool
How to Profit from Cryptocurrencies Go from complete novice to managing your own cryptocurrency portfolio and take advantage of the crypto adopt...
Influex store tdyp banner
FLO - Talent Dynamics for Young People (TDYP) Assessment and Debrief
Receive a TDYP token, take the test, receive a 12-page report and confirm the report through a debrief that is up to 90 minutes of one-to-one atten...
Influex store green 5.0 incubator
Regenerative Entrepreneur 4wk Incubator
Transform and regenerate yourself and your business with a step-by-step plan for increased success, and to make the environmental impact you really...
Influex store re financing 2
Financing Consultation Call - Free (30min)
Unclear about your financing options for your real estate purchase(s)? If so then book a free 30 minute no obligation consultation call and we w...
Influex store bpb tagline
Discovery Call
This free call will help us to assess your business's competitiveness in the Fortune 500 goods and services Supply Chain.  We will assess the poten...
Influex store e book strip
e-Book: The Power is in the Balance Sheet
Our goal is to help educate and empower small to medium business owners to get the most out of their business. Business owners are busy!  If you...