Yvonne's Circles 80 circles

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GeniusU Citizens
Citizens are changing the world by being the top ambassadors Entrepreneur Movement, leading purpose-driven entrepreneurs. As a Citizen, get your own Genius Card which includes entrepreneur-focused rewards including training program discounts, a Wealth Dynamics test token,...
Genius School Campus
Join this circle if you want to be part of the Education Movement that ignites the Genius in every child! Many willing and able adults want their child's education to transform, but don't have the tools or knowledge. We provide the tools and education for parents as well...
Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle
In this circle, you will get connected with other affiliates, receive answers and stay up to date with latest updates on everything affiliate related.
Find Your Flow & Become Neutrally Buoyant
What is Neutral Buoyancy and how can it help your business?! 🐟 I am often asked what the NB in my logo stands for, this comes from my passion for diving and the underwater world. 🐟NB stands for Neutral Buoyancy- divers aim to be neutrally buoyant when diving, a state of...
From Sweden Productions
Production management and promotion of large-scale, high-profile concerts, productions, festivals and events with a Swedish connection. 
Svenskar på GeniusU / Sweden Country Circle
Välkommen till denna Country Circle för Sverige, där vi svenskar kan samlas för extra support och community. Här får du tips och råd om kommande evenemang, kan ställa frågor om GeniusU samt också få individuellt stöd och coachning för dig och ditt team på svenska av...
The purpose of this Circle is to become Self Aware in Body, Mind and Spirit so that you may live an inspired and joyful life by expressing the uniqueness of who you truly are.
Performance Consultant Inner Circle
The Inner Community Circle for Entrepreneurs Institute Performance Consultants
Stockholm City Circle
This City Circle is for Stockholm entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Stockholm monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Entrepreneur Fast Track 2022
Unlock the hidden potential in your business, for exponential growth in the next 12 months: Spend a morning with world renowned futurist and Entrepreneur, Roger Hamilton to 10X your Community, your Customers and your Growth. Visit entrepreneurfasttrack.net for more...