Geordie's Circles 59 circles

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Entrepreneur Spectrum Microschool
Have you ever wondered why some Entrepreneurs are able to generate personal wealth, cash and investments with ease and seem to have reached financial freedom at a young age whilst you are still working as hard as ever for little return? Do you question why some...
Coach Meaning - 使命教练
Welcome to the Coach Meaning community on GeniusU!
GeniusU Partner Campus
Congratulations and welcome to the GeniusU Partner Campus Circle.
Genius 5.0: Leaders
A circle for leaders wanting to become an entrepreneur or upskill and seeking the knowledge, network and resources to get started.
Marketing 5.0 Microschool
Welcome to the Marketing 5.0 Microschool circle. here you can connect with fellow participants, your mentors and facilitators.
UpWork Customer Stream
When you leverage the UpWork platform correctly you will be collecting testimonials from raving fans who will increase your credibility and your customer base. This circle gives you a place to share your ideas, questions and challenges with others who are also leveraging the...
Creating a GREAT microdegree!
What better way to establish yourself as an authority in any niche than turning your knowledge into a microdegree? It can be daunting, though. How do you transform what's inside your brain into a coherent, easy-to-understand course that makes an impact and transforms your...
Creator Compass
As an entrepreneur, you love your business...It is your passion and the highest value you have to offer. But... when more days are frustrating, unproductive and just too hard, than days that are fun and satisfying, something needs to change. In this community we...
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Entrepreneur Dynamics begins with understanding where you at today by completing a series of short assessments. Each assessment provides you with a valuable insight on yourself, your team, your cash flow and your impact. Together they provide a unique blueprint and pathway...
Performance Consultant Certification
As a *Performance Consultant, you will be certified in how to run entire one and two day programs, with both corporate teams and entrepreneurial teams. You will also learn how to create and run masterminds in the same way that Roger Hamilton does, generating you at least $5k...