Rizwan's Circles 15 circles

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Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind USA
The community for the USA Genius Entrepreneur mastermind, that reviews Roger Hamilton's monthly mastermind for entrepreneurs, with monthly interviews with change makers and entrepreneurs from around the world. Each month, Roger focuses on a different step of the Wealth...
Stockholm City Circle
This City Circle is for Stockholm entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Stockholm monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Johannesburg City Circle
Johannesburg being the most industrialised city in the SADC region if not rest of Africa is the prime feeding ground of entrepreneurs wanting drive the African Renaissance and industrialisation. This City Circle is for Johannesburg entrepreneurs to connect, engage and...
Sydney City Circle
Be part of entrepreneur social event from your city . Those joined genius U from Sydney will be part of this circle.
Singapore City Circle
Be part of entrepreneur social event from your city . Those joined genius U from Singapore will be part of this circle.