Tammy's Circles 20 circles

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Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind
Roger Hamilton's Mastermind for Entrepreneurs; monthly interviews with change makers and entrepreneurs from around the world. Each month, Roger focuses on a different step of the Wealth Spectrum, with links to missions on GeniusU, and he answers questions from Entrepreneur...
GeniusU Investor Campus
Congratulations and welcome to the GeniusU Investor Campus Circle.
Creating a GREAT microdegree!
What better way to establish yourself as an authority in any niche than turning your knowledge into a microdegree? It can be daunting, though. How do you transform what's inside your brain into a coherent, easy-to-understand course that makes an impact and transforms your...
Mini-Mastermind for GeniusU Mentors
Weekly masterminding with Duncan Stanley, GeniusU Community Manager on how to set up and run your own Mini-Mastermind program based on your business or coaching niche. As part of your GeniusU Mentor membership you will learn how to create a highly-leveraged product that...
Genius School Campus
Join this circle if you want to be part of the Education Movement that ignites the Genius in every child! Many willing and able adults want their child's education to transform, but don't have the tools or knowledge. We provide the tools and education for parents as well...
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind USA
The community for the USA Genius Entrepreneur mastermind, that reviews Roger Hamilton's monthly mastermind for entrepreneurs, with monthly interviews with change makers and entrepreneurs from around the world. Each month, Roger focuses on a different step of the Wealth...
Entrepreneur Social Circle
City Leaders host a monthly event in their local city called an Entrepreneur Social. The events are value adding and fun and each can create a minimum of $5000 revenue for a City Leader. Also the top city leaders can apply to host an Entrepreneur Fast Track event in their...
Stars get their most valuable feedback in the spotlight, and find their flow while on their feet. It is their personal magnetism that is their greatest value. As creative performers, Stars have an inner confidence that drives them to step up and take the lead. However, others...
Creators can’t resist creating. They keep creating long after they have run out of resources, money, and other people’s patience. In fact, they have their greatest creative breakthroughs after most others would have given up. This circle is for Creators to connect and innovate.
Passion Test
The objective of Passion Test mission is to align your life to your passions.