Brenda's Circles 55 circles

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High Quality Copywriting — Articles, Blog Posts, Websites & Ads
Welcome! This circle is for any GeniusU Member, Citizen or Mentor looking for high-level copywriting. If you're looking for effective ads, smart blog posts, witty banner copy, professional articles or inspiring websites, you've definitely come to the right place. SEO and...
Creator Compass
As an entrepreneur, you love your business...It is your passion and the highest value you have to offer. But... when more days are frustrating, unproductive and just too hard, than days that are fun and satisfying, something needs to change. In this community we...
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Entrepreneur Dynamics begins with understanding where you at today by completing a series of short assessments. Each assessment provides you with a valuable insight on yourself, your team, your cash flow and your impact. Together they provide a unique blueprint and pathway...
Simplify Your Brand Message
Most business leaders waste a lot of money on marketing and struggle to connect to their ideal client because their message is confusing. So we teach you how to create powerful business value cycles that continuously feeds your funnel and grows your business. 
Active Health Group
We are a Health and Wellness training company, Founded in 2000 offering practical based courses in Manchester, UK, and online via our online training platform.We run the widest possible range of courses, including bodywork, yoga, personal training, complementary therapies,...
Queendom Academy
The time has come…  the world is ready to remember what it feels like to be seen, held and supported in the Presence of Pure Love, Pleasure, and Purpose.  You can stop hiding now…   the world is ready for your unique gifts that only YOU can offer.Give yourSelf permission to...
This circle is about supporting current and aspiring women entrepreneurs that are also connected with Her.Network
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
If Creators need to have their head in the clouds, then Mechanics need to have their finger in the pie. While Creators are great at starting things, Mechanics are great at finishing things. They are perfectionists, which is why they cannot resist finding ways to do things better....
Lords love the detail, and are renowned for their thrift. Lords value numbers over people, and don’t have time for politics or niceties. They would rather deal with simple legwork than fancy footwork. Lords love certainty and hate risk. This circle is for lords to connect and...