Sharon's Circles 3 circles

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Entrepreneur Fast Track Circle for Nurses in North and South America
Join this Circle to discuss with other nurse entrepreneurs how you can uplevel and recession-proof your business to build for the future. Our conversations will be based on the Entrepreneur Fast Track master class on February 17, 2022. This class summarizes Roger James...
Nurses Holistic Wealth Accelerator Circle
Welcome to the Nurses Holistic Wealth Accelerator Circle! This is a community of nurses who are using GeniusU's high-touch, high-tech path to transform their business and their life by accelerating their socially responsible wealth creation process. In the Nurses...
Nurse Entrepreneurs Creating Holistic Wealth
The nurses in this Circle have a strong inner imperative to contribute to the health, safety, and well-being of all people across the lifespan and to learn more effective skills in socially responsible business, investment, and leadership. We see holistic nurses as being in...