Erick's Circles 49 circles
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Passion -Family
Spend quality time with your loving family, in happiness and connection. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Family as their passion.
Radiate vibrant health and vitality, with a healthy diet and lifestyle. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Health as their passion.
If Creators need to have their head in the clouds, then Mechanics need to have their finger in the pie. While Creators are great at starting things, Mechanics are great at finishing things. They are perfectionists, which is why they cannot resist finding ways to do things better....
As Traders are sensory, they are also the best at customer service and market research, finding balance by seeing both sides. They are also great at managing ongoing projects by bringing people and systems together to deliver results. They love buying and selling things,...
Purpose Test
When you take the purpose test, you discover which of the 17 global goals is your No.1 purpose.
Passion Test
The objective of Passion Test mission is to align your life to your passions.
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Decent work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all