Stephanie J's Circles 85 circles

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Tame Your Brain®
I'm Dr Libby Kemkaran, welcome to my community. Please introduce yourself and join me on my transformative (free) monthly Tame Your Brain® sessions here on GeniusU!
The Brilliance Co
The Brilliance Co supports Entrepreneurs and Leaders to THRIVE. Where heart and soul meets serious business is where we play. From 90 day programs to year long mentoring and VIP Immersives, we support you to be the best version of you. We are a global company lead by...
Educator 5.0 (4 week Microschool)
This is a closed circle, exclusively for participants of the 4 Week Educator 5.0 Microschool. We will be sharing recordings, learnings and action steps to enhance your experience in growing your business.
Sales 5.0 Microschool
Integrate AI-driven sales pathways, tools and chatbots that will set up your business for success in the digital decade.
Digital Enterprise Wealth Dynamic Masters Virtual Retreat North & South America
Prepare your business for 2021 and the start of the digital decade with a plan to at least double your growth 2020 has been a challenging year for Entrepreneurs. Most of us have had to do business radically differently and we can see that this “new” way of doing business is...
Podcast Plan & Design 5 day Microschool
Podcasting is a fun and fulfilling way to grow your brand, share your message and create an impact. Podcasters interviewing allows you to build relationships with other experts in your niche and positions yourself as a leading learner. Podcasting builds trust with your...
LinkedIn Marketing 5-Day Microschool
Welcome to the LinkedIn Marketing 5-Day Microschool. The complete step-by-step formula for executing a powerful LinkedIn marketing strategy to win more $10K+ clients in just 15 minutes a day.
Microschool Design & Build with Lisa Michaels
Let's get your microschool designed and ready to deliver in one week!
Remote Work Microschool
This is the Circle for the Remote Work Startup Microschool, which is a Microschool for professionals who are new to remote work to create a lucrative, freedom-based lifestyle doing work that they love from anywhere. Outcomes: > Get clear and take action towards the...
Entrepreneur Summer School Agile Leadership with Paulina Roach
Welcome to the Agile Leadership module for the Entrepreneur Summer School! If Paulina Roach is your facilitator for this module, then please join the circle. On here you will find all the information needed.