rose's Circles 115 circles

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Right Mission Right Money Social Entrepreneur Certification
As a Mission Mastery Academy Certified Social Entrepreneur, you are trained and certified as an expert in social entrepreneurship as you build your business model and launch it. The program is structured to make it easier for you to figure out all the details of your...
Flipping Freedom Tour
Join us for a 3 day event, board a bus and tour real live real estate flips.
Real Estate Mogul Mastermind
Insiders access to successful, like-minded investors. This annual membership gains you a front-row seat to real deals, live trainings, private mastermind calls and a secret facebook group where you get your questions answered. Comes with resources, a strategy call, and...
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind USA
The community for the USA Genius Entrepreneur mastermind, that reviews Roger Hamilton's monthly mastermind for entrepreneurs, with monthly interviews with change makers and entrepreneurs from around the world. Each month, Roger focuses on a different step of the Wealth...
Genius Partners Circle
This is a closed circle and is exclusively for our top level Genius Partners on GeniusU. You can use this circle to ask questions, share success stories, give feedback and connect with each other in a secure space.
Roger Hamilton's Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind
Join the Community Circle here - Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind is a one year long programme working with Roger James Hamilton. The Mastermind group has 1,000+ successful entrepreneurs from over 80 countries. It consists of a...
The Purpose Pursuit
You can live a life of meaning AND financial abundance. When you are on purpose, you can make a bigger impact in the world!
Entrepreneur Social Circle
City Leaders host a monthly event in their local city called an Entrepreneur Social. The events are value adding and fun and each can create a minimum of $5000 revenue for a City Leader. Also the top city leaders can apply to host an Entrepreneur Fast Track event in their...
Chicago City Circle
Chicago's official City Circle - a place for midwestern purpose driven entrepreneurs to meet and share!
Entrepreneur Institute Events Partner Group (invitation only)
Created to support the Event Partners of Entrepreneurs Institute Events. Welcome to the Event Partner community. Great to have you on board!