Katrina's Circles 41 circles
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Genius 5.0 Partnerships Group
Welcome to all partners of Roger James Hamilton's Entrepreneurs Institute.
This is where we will post news and announcements; along with prizes and leaderboard results on all the promotions and competitions that we have running for you; our affiliates, resellers and...
Wealth Dynamics Masters Private Community
This private circle is for all our awesome Entrepreneurs who are attending or have attended the Wealth Dynamics Masters program.
Steel Genius
Steel Genius are Systems Smart. They take care with detail, but are often over-cautious. Figures from Warren Buffett to Henry Ford and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg share this genius. This circle is for Steel Geniuses to connect and build.
Inspire those around you to action and excellence through your leadership. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Leadership as their passion.
Enjoy a romantic relationship with a wonderful, loving partner. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Partner as their passion.
Passion -Family
Spend quality time with your loving family, in happiness and connection. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Family as their passion.
If Creators need to have their head in the clouds, then Mechanics need to have their finger in the pie. While Creators are great at starting things, Mechanics are great at finishing things. They are perfectionists, which is why they cannot resist finding ways to do things better....
Purpose Test
When you take the purpose test, you discover which of the 17 global goals is your No.1 purpose.
Passion Test
The objective of Passion Test mission is to align your life to your passions.
Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls