Gillian's Circles 97 circles
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Our Global Education Festival starts in June with a 5 Day Educators Challenge, a 2 day Summit in July, and 2 x 4 week Educator Microschools and a variety of free events throughout this period, where our clients and partners will learn the very best in building...
Leader 5.0
Join this circle as part of the Leadership 5.0 Microschool where you can connect with like minded participants, your facilitators and mentors.
Crypto - and other investments
Lets talk CRYPTO (and other investing options)
- a safe place to share knowledge and ask any question:
Winning by Sharing !
(remember: no such thing as a stupid question!!)
Wealth Dynamics Masters Europe Microschool
Prepare your business for the next 12 months and the start of the digital decade with a plan to at least double your growth
The last couple of years have been a challenging for Entrepreneurs. Most of us have had to do business radically differently and we can see that this...
Marketing 5.0 Microschool
Welcome to the Marketing 5.0 Microschool circle. here you can connect with fellow participants, your mentors and facilitators.
Women's Wealthy Ways
Women's Wealthy Ways is a tribe of women who are fiercely independent, personally committed to their calling, financially free, and love adventure.
We work smart and play often.
We plan for a future that will go on forever, and embrace every day like it is our last.
Entrepreneur Summer School Flight Deck Design & Build Microschool
Your Fast Track to Content Confidence
Your content has never been more important. I'm here to help give you the confidence to create great content for yourself.
GeniusU Trusted Buyers Club
How do you get your products in front of your customers in the current economic climate? The coronavirus crisis has triggered a much bigger and longer-lasting economic crisis. The 1929 stock market crash triggered a ten year Great Depression, and world leaders believe the...
Creator Compass
As an entrepreneur, you love your business...It is your passion and the highest value you have to offer. But...
when more days are frustrating, unproductive and just too hard, than days that are fun and satisfying, something needs to change.
In this community we...