Grant Finer's Circles 53 circles
All Circles
Microdegree Builder Circle
Are you ready to share your gifts? The world needs your unique gifts and this is your opportunity to give them back to the world and create more magic on this planet. This circle is exclusively for mentors who create their own microdegrees. We will empower you to make it happen!
Think and Grow Rich
This is for all entrepreneurs who have been inspired by Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich.
You are invited to attend the historical UK premiere of Think and Grow Rich; The Legacy.
Wellington City Circles
This City Circle is for Wellington entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Wellington monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Rosemary Killip-
Sydney City Circle
Be part of entrepreneur social event from your city . Those joined genius U from Sydney will be part of this circle.
Entrepreneurs Institute Global Partners
This circle is for Entrepreneur Institute's Global Partners
Blaze Genius
Blaze Genius are People Smart. They love people, but get distracted quickly. Icons from Marilyn Monroe to Oprah and Bill Clinton share this genius. This circle is for Blaze Geniuses to connect and communicate.
Passion - Connection
Have a strong sense of connection to everything around you. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Connection as their passion.
Transform the lives of those around you as a teacher and mentor. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Teaching as their passion.
Have fun and feel great with laughter, energy and excitement. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Fun as their passion.
Stars get their most valuable feedback in the spotlight, and find their flow while on their feet. It is their personal magnetism that is their greatest value. As creative performers, Stars have an inner confidence that drives them to step up and take the lead. However, others...