savita's Circles 18 circles
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For Mom-and-Pop Shops, Boutique Brands, Local Salons, and Delicious Storefronts
THIS GROUP IS 100% FOR Scaleup Shop/Store/Small Business Entrepreneurs:
+ Looking to leave a lasting legacy and grow generational wealth
+ Looking to grow a profit-producing, purpose-driven product or service-based business
+ Looking to take care of business AND their life...
London City Circle & Entrepreneur Socials
This City Circle is for London entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate in with each other.
All event details for London's monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Our events are open to anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship and social...
Dynamo Genius
Dynamo Genius are Ideas Smart. They are great at starting things, but not so good at finishing. Greats include famous entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. This circle is for Dynamo Geniuses to connect and innovate.
Genius Test Takers Circle
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. Take the free Genius Test and discover your genius here -
Wealth Dynamics
Learn which of the eight paths is your natural path to entrepreneurial success.
el HappyBreath
Breathing is the only thing you do that you don’t have to think about.
Imagine what you could do with the power of breath if you knew the secrets of those who are in control of their breath. That includes the top athletes, the best musicians, and the most successful...
Calm and Courageous Life
Coaching talented, creative leaders, artists, coaches, therapists and helping them uproot unresolved grief, shame, guilt or fear so they can allow their mind and body to feel at ease and lead from a place of love and peace.
Identity Regained
During times of loss and separation we often lose our identity. We can look up one day and ask the question "Who am I?" This community helps those with identity pain into its regain using a series of tools to overcome and soar with your identity regained.
GeniusU Partner Campus
Congratulations and welcome to the GeniusU Partner Campus Circle.
Jacqui Ashley Coaching