Simone's Circles 46 circles

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Steel Genius
Steel Genius are Systems Smart. They take care with detail, but are often over-cautious. Figures from Warren Buffett to Henry Ford and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg share this genius. This circle is for Steel Geniuses to connect and build.
If Creators need to have their head in the clouds, then Mechanics need to have their finger in the pie. While Creators are great at starting things, Mechanics are great at finishing things. They are perfectionists, which is why they cannot resist finding ways to do things better....
Passion Test
The objective of Passion Test mission is to align your life to your passions.
Entrepreneurs Institute Consultant Circle
The Community Circle for all licensed Flow Consultants, Performance Consultants and Global Partners. This is where you can share your inspiring success stories, ask questions, connect with other consultants and access our monthly webinars. Please do not use this group for...
Bali FCPC Workshop
Here we can collaborate and join together as a community.
iLAB Global
All iLAB Graduates to connect and take off with GeniusU Missions