Roger's Circles 81 circles

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Genius Ninja (internal team) Accelerator Programme Q3 2018
This is a closed group, for Genius Ninjas of Entrepreneurs Institute, Entrepreneur Resorts and GeniusU, who are running promotions in Quarter 3.
Think and Grow Rich
This is for all entrepreneurs who have been inspired by Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. You are invited to attend the historical UK premiere of Think and Grow Rich; The Legacy.
From Red to Yellow Accellerator
You may be a startup or established in business. Regardless, you are at red level, and wish to move up. You know you need marketing, but don't know where to start or how to gain traction. Marketing your business is not your natural strength, and you feel stuck or...
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
Zurich City Circle
This City Circle is for Zurich entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Zurich's monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Manchester Entrepreneur Circle
The Manchester Entrepreneur Circle is the place where entrepreneurs, small business owners and agile leaders can meet, network, learn, and support each other. The circle is hosted by Kathy Bradley & Howard Cain from Asana North West in partnership with the Entrepreneurs...
Brisbane City Circle
This City Circle is for Brisbane entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Brisbane monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Entrepreneurs Institute Global Partners
This circle is for Entrepreneur Institute's Global Partners
Genius Ninjas
This circle is for all team members of Genius Group! A place where we can all connect, share achievements, updates, customer feedback and simple appreciations of your fellow Genius Ninjas too!
Transform the lives of those around you as a teacher and mentor. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Teaching as their passion.