Neeraj's Circles 40 circles
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Gateway Wellness and Leadership
We are experts in helping individuals to discover and live the highest call of their heart and soul. Through self discovery and Body/Mind awareness practices we help individuals and companies engage in an awakened life of meaning and contribution. , Gateway Wellness was...
Blu Dragonfly LLC
Our company specialises in brand design, web design and social media we love to dive into the realm of discovery. This is where we learn the guts of your business – what makes it tick. We meet your audience and explore your industry. We find the strengths and weaknesses of you...
GeniusU Trusted Buyers Club
How do you get your products in front of your customers in the current economic climate? The coronavirus crisis has triggered a much bigger and longer-lasting economic crisis. The 1929 stock market crash triggered a ten year Great Depression, and world leaders believe the...
Crisis Leadership Academy - Digital Enterprise
The world is going through an acceleration. The Entrepreneur Movement and Education Revolution has fast forwarded 10 years. Now is our time.
Trusted Buyers Club PRIVATE Circle
This is a closed circle for active players of the COWIN Trusted buyers club. In this circle you can learn how to play the game most effectively at the same time as sharing your best strategies with others for success.
Mini-Mastermind for GeniusU Mentors
Weekly masterminding with Duncan Stanley, GeniusU Community Manager on how to set up and run your own Mini-Mastermind program based on your business or coaching niche.
As part of your GeniusU Mentor membership you will learn how to create a highly-leveraged product that...
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Entrepreneur Dynamics begins with understanding where you at today by completing a series of short assessments. Each assessment provides you with a valuable insight on yourself, your team, your cash flow and your impact. Together they provide a unique blueprint and pathway...
Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle
In this circle, you will get connected with other affiliates, receive answers and stay up to date with latest updates on everything affiliate related.
Genius 5.0 Partnerships Group
Welcome to all partners of Roger James Hamilton's Entrepreneurs Institute.
This is where we will post news and announcements; along with prizes and leaderboard results on all the promotions and competitions that we have running for you; our affiliates, resellers and...
Franchise Dynamics
Join the Global Movement elevating trust and loyalty in the Franchise Sector.
This is a collaborative group, focused on elevating trust and loyalty in Franchise Relationships and bringing to life the UN Global Goals within the Franchise Sector.