Marie's Circles 93 circles

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Roger Hamilton's Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind
Join the Community Circle here - Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind is a one year long programme working with Roger James Hamilton. The Mastermind group has 1,000+ successful entrepreneurs from over 80 countries. It consists of a...
Yellow to Green: Scaling Team and Time
This circle is dedicated to people on the journey from Yellow to Green. Let's explore and exchange together what it takes to move up to Green Level. Let's share success stories, lessons we learn along the way and help each other grow. The goal is to learn the steps to move...
Promotion Plan Plan-a-thon
Plan your Q4 Promotion over 5 days starting 24th September --- Monday: Create your next year vision --- Tuesday: Q4 financial goals, development and learning objectives --- Wednesday: Mindmap/braindump all the tasks to deliver on Q4 goals --- Thursday: Refine and confirm...
From Sweden Productions
Production management and promotion of large-scale, high-profile concerts, productions, festivals and events with a Swedish connection. 
Events People & Places
In an ever-changing, fast-paced and highly innovative industry, it is imperative that we push 'out of the box' to establish new parameters on how we do events, share our knowledge and engage with the world. Creating the right kind of event for your business, and your client -...
Health Dynamics Certified Consultants
This group has been formed for students of the Health Dynamics Certified Consultants course. Here we can interact with each other, ask questions and support each other through the course.
At YOU-are-the-cure! we believe that you have everything within you to prevent or heal from any disease! Focused on cancer and autoimmune diseases, we will be sharing the truths (and dispelling the myths) around health and disease that will empower you with the knowledge to...
Washington, D.C. City Circle
This City Circle is for Washington, D.C entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Washington, D.C. monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Vancouver City Circle
This City Circle is for Vancouver entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Vancouver monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Arts Dynamics
Arts Dynamics is a global network and learning/artist and business development community for established arts entrepreneurs culture workers, creative change makers, leaders, companies and organisations within music, performing- and visual arts as well as the cultural and...