Tina's Circles 310 circles
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Layne Change Circle
Mission: Equip and empower female entrepreneurs in self-awareness, self-mastery, and self-expression while growing a biz in what Danette calls an "unforced rhythm of grace" pace!
A systems designer, small business strategist, and executive coach, Danette Layne educates...
Becoming a Visible Leader by LinkedIn:Engineered
This mentor circle is about Becoming a Visible Leader and how to you can use LinkedIn to build your legacy.
We all want to create change in the world – whether on an individual level, as a company or through a community – we want to build a legacy.
The challenge most...
Business:Engineered works with the founders of fast growth businesses to help them reverse engineered all aspects of their life to ensure that they do not fall in to the trap of building a business that enslaves them and results in them becoming 1 dimensional.We have 3 core...
Roger Hamilton's Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind
Join the Community Circle here - https://www.geniusu.com/mentor_circles/32
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind is a one year long programme working with Roger James Hamilton. The Mastermind group has 1,000+ successful entrepreneurs from over 80 countries.
It consists of a...
The Purpose Pursuit
You can live a life of meaning AND financial abundance. When you are on purpose, you can make a bigger impact in the world!
Find Your Flow & Become Neutrally Buoyant
What is Neutral Buoyancy and how can it help your business?!
🐟 I am often asked what the NB in my logo stands for, this comes from my passion for diving and the underwater world.
🐟NB stands for Neutral Buoyancy- divers aim to be neutrally buoyant when diving, a state of...
Entrepreneur Social Circle
City Leaders host a monthly event in their local city called an Entrepreneur Social. The events are value adding and fun and each can create a minimum of $5000 revenue for a City Leader. Also the top city leaders can apply to host an Entrepreneur Fast Track event in their...
Promotion Plan Plan-a-thon
Plan your Q4 Promotion over 5 days starting 24th September --- Monday: Create your next year vision --- Tuesday: Q4 financial goals, development and learning objectives --- Wednesday: Mindmap/braindump all the tasks to deliver on Q4 goals --- Thursday: Refine and confirm...
From Sweden Productions
Production management and promotion of large-scale, high-profile concerts, productions, festivals and events with a Swedish connection.