Violetta's Circles 60 circles

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Team Leadership Plan
Team Leadership Microschool with Donna Izobella.
Entrepreneur Summer School Agile Leadership with Jan Polak
Welcome to the Agile Leadership module for the Entrepreneur Summer School! If Jan Polak is your facilitator for this module, then please join this circle. On here you will find all the information needed.
Cashbox Global - Predictable Growth & Income Streams for Financial Freedom
Join the Cashbox Global community to learn about predictable investments called Structured Notes. These products provide growth and income returns of 10 – 15% pa on average with deep capital protection, directly from Europe’s strongest banks. We love showing our community...
Trusted Buyers Club PRIVATE Circle
This is a closed circle for active players of the COWIN Trusted buyers club. In this circle you can learn how to play the game most effectively at the same time as sharing your best strategies with others for success.
Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle
In this circle, you will get connected with other affiliates, receive answers and stay up to date with latest updates on everything affiliate related.
Think and Grow Rich
This is for all entrepreneurs who have been inspired by Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. You are invited to attend the historical UK premiere of Think and Grow Rich; The Legacy.
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
Wealth Dynamics Masters Private Community
This private circle is for all our awesome Entrepreneurs who are attending or have attended the Wealth Dynamics Masters program.
Steel Genius
Steel Genius are Systems Smart. They take care with detail, but are often over-cautious. Figures from Warren Buffett to Henry Ford and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg share this genius. This circle is for Steel Geniuses to connect and build.
Live a life of balance, rhythm and harmony in mind, body and spirit. This circle is meant for all GeniusU users who have Balance as their passion.